Many hunters practice selective harvest, allowing bucks to. We analyzed where the top200 record book typical and nontypical. Kansas top 20 deer records deer big game information. Here are the stories behind three from last season. Legends furniture rose from the ashes of the waterbed business in 1990. Nov 06, 20 but now the world record rack from an 8point minnesota whitetail deer killed by a poacher in 2009 will get plenty of exposure. Oct 29, 2017 if you hunt big game in minnesota or have a fascination with record book deer, moose, elk or bear, this book s for you. A statebystate breakdown of where the best bucks are coming from, with a look at historic record book deer, plus an update on the top trophies from the last five seasons. Minnesota official measurers, a club dedicated to measuring and scoring. Is jeff iversons nontypical minnesota buck a new state record. They change even more when you just look at the most recent data within the last decade.
Big game records of minnesota minnesota official measurers. Please check your inbox or your spam folder for the account verification email, or click here to resend. Minnesota has long been on the short list of states routinely producing record class whitetail bucks, with plenty of topranking specimens registered in every category. The 5heaviest whitetail deer ever killed on record. The top 40 typical and nontypical whitetails of all time. Big game records of minnesota second edition is available now. If the trophy has been frozen prior to cleaning, as is often the case with skulls, the 60day drying.
Once purchased, a new name was needed for the record book and club members submitted several names. The 5200 square miles our area encompasses consists of 90% private land and 10% government land. Stan gives all the credit to landon, layton and brian. A vote was taken at a club meeting and the name, big game records of minnesota, was chosen to be the name. Incredibly, the years 19902001 account for 2,811 or 52 percent of the record book entries during this period. But for the first time, starting in 2014, the state registered more doe kills than bucks. Map december l, 1964 book 15 of road maps, page 85 pinnacle peak north line. Things change a lot when you look at each state on a level playing field. American hunter top 10 states for monster whitetails. Big bucks galore, from the boone and crockett record book archives. Aug 28, 2014 the buck was shot by a bow in 1999 and had 17 points, which is very impressive since its a typical. Six of the top ten nontypical whitetails recorded in the pope and young record book come from kansas.
The biggest nontypical ever killed in minnesota was a gunkill that scored 2685. The main beams measured 27 and 29 inches, so its a very good deer. We hunt whitetail deer in the northeastern corner of alberta, canada. But when you factor in the size of each state, things even up fairly quickly. Whitetail history is filled with landmark events, but perhaps none more noteworthy than the one occurring on the morning of november 23, 1993. Official measurements cannot be taken until the antlers, horns, skulls, or tusks have air dried at normal room temperature for at least 60 days after the animal was killed. Biggest nontypical whitetail ever killed by a hunter. On the opening day of alaskas 2007 brown bear season, varner and henricksen were stalking up a salmon stream looking for a record book brownie. Executive health program department home mayo clinic. Serious hunters choose recordbuck because we consistently harvest some of the biggest trophies in the world. Sep 24, 2012 the minnesota record book could be rewritten after just the first weekend of the gopher states 2012 whitetail hunting season.
Recordbuck ranch is the premier destination for yearround hunting in texas, with trophy whitetail deer, over 50 species of exotics, and plenty of elk, turkey, pheasant, and texas dove hunts. The buck scored an impressive 195 28 inches and is a dandy archery buck at 39 on the top 10 biggest pope and young typical bucks of all time. That would have made it the largest nontypical deer on record. Over the years, weve had to relocate four times to keep pace with our evolution, including our latest expansion, which nearly doubled the.
You must confirm your email address before you may login. Apr 30, 2016 the list of counties with three or more record book entries of typical deer and nontypical deer in the top200 over the past five seasons is populated with some you may never heard of. Personal health records and patient portals mayo clinic. Alberta whitetail deer hunts timber king outfitting. Nov 12, 2010 jeremy, a member of the north american hunting club, shot a record book, nontypical whitetail buck tuesday, november 9, 2010, in elko, minnesota. Boasting a proven combination of excellent habitat, abundant forage and a gene pool. Thus the strategy for having highscoring deer outside the top trophy counties is clear. Top 10 biggest pope and young typical bucks of all time. As with many hunters, ewen said he was simply at the right place at the right time.
Manual assembly disassembly care hunting video dvd disassembly care book hunting dvds north american hunting club book duck commander dvd calling hunting bowhunting dvd whitetail deer hunting dvd realtree monster bucks drury outdoors hunting vhs tapes deer hunting video hunting vhs video duck hunting dvd monster bucks elk dvd duckmen dvd duck dynasty dvd turkey hunting dvd. Book 6 of road maps, page 4 pinnacle peak north line rights of the public in and to that portion of the herein described land as shown on the mapplat. Dec 20, 2018 every deer season, minnesota hunters take some trophy bucks. Minnesotas world record 8point antlers now on permanent. The top 10 counties during this period are in wisconsin, minnesota and texas. Sep 02, 2014 the world record rack from an 8point minnesota whitetail killed by a poacher in 2009 has attracted many gawkers since the department of natural resources started displaying it at special events. With a personal health record, you can gather and manage all that information in one easily. Best whitetail states based on the record books field. Iowas reputation for whopper whitetails was built on bucks like this incredible 10. The list of counties with three or more record book entries of typical deer and nontypical deer in the top200 over the past five seasons is populated with some you may never heard of. Look for minnesotas top counties for mature whitetails to be split between suburban units and the transition zone in the central part of. Jun 26, 20 john breen caught a train to minnesota in 1918 to try his luck at some whitetail hunting at a time when the state was still as wild as ever. Since then, weve been fortunate to see thirty years of consecutive growth.
Without question the greatest concentration of book deer is in the. Charles burnham bud wilkinson april 23, 1916 february 9, 1994 was an american football player, coach, broadcaster, and politician. The first step was record book data from the boone and crockett club. The silverado lineup offers the legendary capability you expect from trucks built on the legacy of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road. Jeff iverson, while bowhunting in houston county during opening weekend, killed what could possibly be the new state record for nontypical whitetail deer. Replicas from worldrecord 8pointer will amaze hunters. As an outdoor columnist for the minneapolis tribune, i was browsing one day through the latest edition of the boone and crockett big game record book. Sep 20, 2012 the minnesota state archery records for whitetails are a typical that scored 19768.
The 3,950 entries 74 percent of the record book total come from 41 states and 1,254 counties. As a deer hunter, i read a lot about where to hunt big whitetail bucks. The abundance of trophy whitetail deer in otter tail county is no accident, erik said. Otter tail, minnesota 8 vernon, wisconsin 5 edgar, illinois 4 marion, iowa 4 winneshiek, iowa 3 guthrie, iowa 3 todd, kentucky3 wabasha, minnesota 3. Whopper whitetails the biggest bucks on record grand. Personal health records and patient portals are powerful tools for managing your health. Bands, businesses, restaurants, brands and celebrities can create pages in order to connect with their fans and customers on facebook. From state harvest reports, i found that around 360,000 hunters took 2,000 total deer in 2014 and again in 2015, only a few deer off the alltime record in 20. Look for minnesotas top counties for mature whitetails to be split between suburban units and the transition zone in the central part.
May 15, 2001 as an outdoor columnist for the minneapolis tribune, i was browsing one day through the latest edition of the boone and crockett big game record book. Hunters should not be discouraged if they hunt far away from the big black drainage. Duck hunting arizona 21 matching articles field and stream. He served as the head football coach at the university of oklahoma from 1947 to 1963, compiling a record of 145294. Kentucky is a dang good deer hunting destination right now. Sep 27, 2019 a statebystate breakdown of where the best bucks are coming from, with a look at historic record book deer, plus an update on the top trophies from the last five seasons. Giant minnesota nontypical buck might be state record. Minnesota, north dakota books put big game records in spotlight. Where the biggest booner bucks are coming from now deer. Chris jacobsons 2014 buck is one to remember, not for tall tines but for the incredibly thick main beams.
If you hunt big game in minnesota or have a fascination with record book deer, moose, elk or bear, this book s for you. Warrior talent warrior cats rp and other warrior cat. If the trophy has been frozen prior to cleaning, as is often the case with skulls, the 60day drying period begins once the cleaning process is complete. Every deer season, minnesota hunters take some trophy bucks. The record book bucks come from just a few areas along the big black river in those topproducing counties, mckinley said. The 27yearold farmer and avid deer hunter from gallatin, tennessee, shot the deer with a muzzleloader in november. Minnesota, north dakota books put big game records in. Seven nearly identical replicas of the nowfamous goodhue county. Call 8006693900 to speak to a td ameritrade representative. Whether you need the reliable strength of silverado or the renowned muscle of silverado hd, theres a member of the truck family thats ready to work hard for you. Where the rolling grain fields meet the forest fringe, creating some the best ground for our deer and moose to produce large amounts of antler. Sure, kentucky has only produced 201 entries to wisconsins 326 in the last five years. If youre like most people, you have a number of health concerns and may visit multiple doctors and pharmacies.
Apr 15, 2016 the deer boasts a 183 38 gross typical score with 65 28 of nontypical points. Tennessee native stephen tucker set a new record in 2016 with a 47point trophy whitetail. Whopper whitetails the biggest bucks on record grand view. Record book minnesota nontypical whitetail buck youtube. Boasting a proven combination of excellent habitat, abundant forage and a gene pool that is second to none, its no wonder that the gopher states annual harvest contains. Top overall states for boone and crockett whitetails per square mile since 2008.